COVID-19 Economic Recovery

The ERR Grant aims to expand on the field research done for the Covid-19 Rapid Response Grant (RRG) to better understand the economic implications of the spatial strategies used of the course of the last 6 months. Additionally, the research will explore what the businesses plan to do in the future.  To gather information, the joint team from the CCLS and the UIL plans to conduct in person interviews with the managers or owners of food businesses that were previously surveyed by the (RRG).  The interviews will ask background and administrative  information about how the business has changed and adapted from before the Covid-19 lockdown in January 2020 through the lockdown and re-opening phases over the course of the year. This data will be combined with the analysis of the exterior changes from the (RRG) to better understand how spatial changes and practices affect a business’ resilience to the pandemic.